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maxxidog health supplements from maxxipa

maxxidog Products

Our supplements help you nurture a healthy, happy dog for your lives together


Information to help you address some common health issues in dogs

Healthy dog is a happy dog

Canine health advice
Joint health


Building a joint-healthy lifestyle for your dog, starts the very first day you bring your dog home. Our aim is to help you to keep your beloved dog active and happy for as long as possible.

Skin & Coat
Skin & Coat


Healthy skin and coat are signs of a healthy dog but there can be a lot of obstacles in the way. Our aim is to help you to care for your dog’s skin and coat, allowing his beauty and health to shine through.



When we think of getting a dog, we have a picture of a well-behaved dog in our mind. Dog that obeys our commands and we can take with us almost everywhere. Our aim is to help you to turn that dream into reality.

Cognitive Function
Cognitive Function


As our dogs grow older, they face many of the same age-related health conditions as we humans, including cognitive dysfunction. Our aim is to help you to support your dog when he needs it the most.

Liver Health
Liver Health


The liver is one of the most important organs and it can have serious health consequences if the liver is not working properly. Our aim is to help you support your dog’s liver function and manage liver issues.

General Health


Healthy dog is a happy dog and that means happy owner. Our aim is to help your dog to enjoy the best quality of life for as long as possible with his favourite person in the whole world… you.

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